Sunday, April 7, 2013

"Wating for you"...Thinking of our adopted son or daughter to be...every day.

We are still waiting for the child the Lord has for us...the "one" that He has chosen for us to be "mom and dad" to and bring into our family forever. (the question we have always asked when a situation came up, "Is this our child"?) So far, the answer was always no. This divine coming together, hasn't happened yet. So we are waiting. It isn't easy. No one ever said it would be. Some days the longing is too much. Has the child been born? is he/ or she safe? a million questions all the time. We continue to hope that the next time we post an update it will be that our prayers have been answered...we will keep praying for the child that is meant to be with us. We continue to find peace that God knows where our child is and when we will be brought together. So in the waiting time, we pray for our son or daughter. Maybe we will have an exciting update to share soon. In the meantime, we are contacting places that may have interest free loans, grants etc. Often these are not available for private domestic adoptions. We do believe that where God leads, He will we continue to trust in His provision and prepare our hearts for the day that is coming soon...(Thinking of the song "we will worship while we're waiting)....Most importantly on my heart today is the Psalm "the Lord will perfect that which concerns me". Adoption concerns us. Our children that we do not even know yet, concerns us. How & when it will all come together, concerns us. "We surrender these concerns to you Lord. Your are the one who is writing the story after all. Please grant us grace and peace in the waiting, and look after this child/these children that you love even more than we could imagine".~Amen

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